I've been pondering all week what to write about. Not sure if it was a result of the grey weather we had for most of the week, but my thinking also felt cloudy and sluggish. I don't feel like I've had any profound thoughts or probing issues I've been mulling over. Or, maybe, after the excitement of Holy Week, with multiple church services and the installation of a yarn bomb, this week felt both like a let-down
and a sigh of relief. A "boring" week, but a week of recovery no less.
Lots of Plane trees in the park. |
This morning, I walked down to Victoria Park. It was my first time there, and I really just skirted along the outside, as it was not my final destination (gasp! sacrilege!) The green space coupled with the walk got me to thinking about how, very early in the process of us considering service in London, I was watching (somewhat vigorously) the old show, All Creatures Great and Small. (I grew up reading all the James Herriot books, so knew the quaint "charm" I was getting into by investing significant amounts of time in the show.) I really have no idea where I'm going with this...except, it's a great show and you should watch it in the winter. It will also help prepare you for life in rural England.
After Victoria Park, I got severely lost and walked a couple miles out of the way. I had a map (yes, one made out of paper, not a screen!), but unfortunately, I was not on the map. At least, I don't think I was -- there were several times I didn't see street signs, so I really have no idea where I was. But, sometimes taking the long way round means you see some new things.
I was trying to make it to Broadway Market, where I learned that whoopie pies sell (apparently) for £3/$4.50 each. (I say apparently because there were a lot there, and I didn't see anyone buy any.)
I also didn't buy one, mainly because according to the
Great British Class Calculator, I can't afford them. I rank 6th lowest out of 7, in the sector known as "Emergent Service Worker." Sounds about right. I expect to continue to emerge. For a long time.
Do you see what I mean when I say my thinking is cloudy? You're welcome.
Did you find your way though? And how did you get to where you wanted to go?
I did find my way. I kept walking until I found a main road that also happened to have a area map on the sidewalk. :)