In winter, a woman's thoughts turn to keeping warm and dreaming about the spring. At least, mine do. In my case, that means a mixture of making things (be it crocheted granny squares or fig and almond biscotti...), and trying to think how they might be used in a more public sense once we've all come out of our shells.
I've been inspired by three things lately, which have fed into my scheming.
The first is coming across the founder of the Craftivist Collective and taking a workshop with her to learn about more the craftivist idea (the melding of craft and activism) and to explore my own "footprint" as I dream about a more equal world (and my place in it).
The second was a Christmas gift from a friend -- the River Cottage Veg cookbook. While you would often find me in the kitchen anyway, I go through long phases of cooking where I don't use recipes, and frankly, it makes the menu-planning process so much easier when you've got a book in front of you with convincing photos. It's been a great resource for cooking for potlucks, cooking for when we have guests, cooking for others with new babies, etc. It's inspired me/us to be even more excited about extending hospitality!
The third relates a little to the first: the aforementioned granny squares. The truth is that I taught myself (thanks to the internet) last week how to crochet granny squares. Ever since, I can't stop...Well, except yesterday when I didn't do any, but did manage to place an order for 2.2kg/nearly 5lbs worth of yarn. This craftivism talk has gotten my mind thinking again to yarn bombing and thinking specifically of how to use yarn bombing to engage a little bit more in community, in addition to thinking about considering particular events to plan a yarn bombing around. (I'm more than open to ideas and suggestions.)
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