Thursday, September 26, 2013

A little silence does not mean inaction!

We've been quiet lately -- a sign a bit of our current state of busyness.  Two things I (Valerie) have been spending a lot of time on lately are our Community Meal's Sweet 16 celebration and heading up another yarn bomb to somewhat coincide with the Sweet 16.

For those who are not immediately familiar with what our church refers to as the "Community Meal," this is a brief description of how it works:  The last Thursday of every month, we invite anyone and everyone to come share a meal in the church hall.  From a church perspective, it's an opportunity to show hospitality -- to neighbours, strangers, foreigners, and friends.  It's also a chance to strengthen social capital between various groups who might not otherwise connect on a personal level.  From a resident's perspective, it gives the chance to have a safe space to eat a very cheap meal (a suggested £2/$3 donation.)

It is by no means perfect:  for some, there is a longing for a broader diversity; for others, there is the desire to see the marginalised who do come to be welcomed more fully into the meal. 

Also a display of our hodgepodge Hackney nature is our little yarn bomb outside the church.  Pieces gathered from about 10 people in our church, with another 10 who helped put it all together, either by showing up at Knit-Ins (and providing moral support) or stitching together all of the pieces.  We have one more piece to put up (red!) and then our yarn bomb will be complete.  And I am ready for it to be so. :)

Getting in line at Community Meal
Encouraging the youth to get involved with yarn bombing at a Community Meal
One of our church youth serving a church Elder

In the holding cell
James joined us at one of our Knit-Ins
Sewing it all together at church


Monday, September 2, 2013

Coffee and Textiles.

We - Justin especially - enjoyed a morning outing with Dieudonné, visiting from Burundi with his work for Street Action.  The trip took us to the Espresso Room, where we all humbly suffered through some truly fantastic drinks as part of Dieudonné's research for a café that the organisation is working towards.  Justin could certainly wax eloquent about the fruity hints and caramel notes, but I'm just here to post a few pictures.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch (i.e. Community House), I'm focusing on the upcoming yarn bomb that will be in connection with the neighbourhood's annual festival later this month.  Tomorrow is the first of three knit-ins at a pub down the street, and I'm expecting a mad success...though it sounds like there may be more drinkers than knitters.  But hey, community spirit isn't built by exclusion.  :)

I am ready to have my drawer empty.  A tip of the hat to Romans 8:22 -- the drawer is groaning in the labour pains of an upcoming yarn are, occasionally, my shoulders.

Going for a rainbow theme...Can you tell?